McLuhan, Marshall
GND Nummer | 118729977 |
Entitätstyp | Individualisierte Person |
GND Sachgruppe | Personen zu Literaturwissenschaft (Literaturwissenschaftler) | Personen zu Rundfunk, Neuen Medien | Personen zu Presse |
Beruf | Medienwissenschaftler | Literaturwissenschaftler | Literaturkritiker | Philosoph | Publizist |
Lebensdaten | geboren
Edmonton (Alberta)
gestorben 1980-12-31 in Toronto |
Ländercode | Kanada |
Geschlecht | Männlich |
Biografische Angaben | Kommunikationstheoretiker; Prof. für engl. Literatur und 'Pop-Soziologe' | Kommunikationswissenschaftler, Kanada, USA |
Veröffentlichungen | The interior landscape : the literary criticism of Marshall McLuhan 1943 - 1963. - [1969] | From cliche to archetype | The medium and the light : reflections on religion | Counter blast | D'oeil à oreille : la nouv. galaxie | City as classroom | Gli strumenti del comunicare | Letters of Marshall McLuhan | Understanding me : lectures and interviews | Take today: the executive as dropout
The Gutenberg galaxy | Through the vanishing point: space in poetry and painting | Verbi-voco-visual explorations | The mechanical bride | Mitverf. von: McLuhan, Eric: Theories of communication | Hrsg. von: Patterns of literary criticism | The possum and the midwife | Touch the earth : a self-portrait of Indian existence | War and peace in the global village | Culture is our business | The global village : transformations in world life and media in the 21st century | The meaning of commercial television | Media, messages & language | Paré, Jean: Conversations avec McLuhan 1966 - 1973. - c 2010 | Essential McLuhan | McLuhan: hot & cool | Laws of media | The medium is the massage | The book of probes | Understanding media | The classical trivium : the place of Thomas Nashe in the learning of his time | Unbound | Mitverf. von: Christian humanism in letters
Familiäre Beziehungen | McLuhan, Eric |
Namensvarianten | McLuhan, H. Marshall | MacLuhan, Herbert Marshall | MacLuhan, H. Marshall | Mc Luhan, Marshall | MacLuhan, Marshall | McLuhan, Herbert Marshall |
Zugehörige Ressourcen
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Homepage: | Deutsche Nationalbibliothek |
Originaldatensatz: | |
Metadatenlizenz: | CC0 1.0 |
Letzte Änderung: | 2024-11-23 |
Via: | lobid-gnd |