Cromwell, Oliver
GND Nummer | 118522841 |
Entitätstyp | Individualisierte Person |
GND Sachgruppe | Personen der Geschichte (Politiker und historische Persönlichkeiten) | Personen zu politischer Theorie, Militär |
Beruf | Politiker | Puritaner | Politiker |
Lebensdaten | geboren
gestorben 1658-09-03 in Westminster |
Ländercode | Großbritannien |
Geschlecht | Männlich |
Biografische Angaben | Lord; Engl. Staatsmann und Heerführer, Puritaner |
Veröffentlichungen | Cromwell, Oliver: A catalogue and collection of all these ordinances | Cromwell, Oliver: Letters and passages between O. Cromwell and the governor of Edinburgh * | Cromwell, Oliver: An ordinance against challenges | Cromwell, Oliver: A copy of the letter ... sent to the members of Parliament | Cromwell, Oliver: A letter from the Lord Generall Cromwell to the Parliament of England | Cromwell, Oliver: A collection of all the proclamations, declarations | Cromwell, Oliver: Articles of peace agreed between Oliver ... and the States General | Cromwell, Oliver: Literae ab Olivario Protectore Angliae etc. ad Sacram Regiam Majestatem* | Cromwelliana | Cromwell, Oliver: Memoirs of the Protector Oliver Cromwell and of his sons, Richard and H* |
Familiäre Beziehungen | Cromwell, Richard |
Namensvarianten | Cromwelius, Oliverius | Cromwel, Oliver | Cromvelius, Oliverius | Cromwel, Olivier | Olivir | Cronwell, Oliver | Olivarius, Anglia, Protector | Cromwellius, Olivarius | Oliver, Protector | Cronwellius, Oliverius
Cromvell, Olivier | Cromwellius, Oliverius | Olivier | Crumwell, Oliver | Cromvellius, Olivarius | Cromvoel, Olivier | Olivarius | Cromwel, Olivarius | Cromwell, Olivir | Cromwel | Oliver | Cromwell, Olivier | Cromvele, Oliviero | Cromwellus, Oliverius | Cromwel, Oliverius | Cromwellius
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Homepage: | Deutsche Nationalbibliothek |
Originaldatensatz: | |
Metadatenlizenz: | CC0 1.0 |
Letzte Änderung: | 2024-04-24 |
Via: | lobid-gnd |
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