Icon Furnivall, Frederick James

GND Nummer117540579
EntitätstypIndividualisierte Person
GND SachgruppePersonen zu Literaturwissenschaft (Literaturwissenschaftler)
BerufPhilologe | Literarhistoriker
LebensdatenIcon geboren 1825-02-04 in Egham
Icon gestorben 1910-07-02 in London
Biografische AngabenEngl. Philologe; Mitgründer und Herausgeber "Oxford English Dictionary"
VeröffentlichungenFurnivall, Frederick J.: Trial forewords to my Parallel-Text-Edition of Chaucer's minor p* | The Digby Plays with an incomplete "Morality" of Wisdom who is Christ .. | Arthur | The Digby Mysteries | Hymns to the Virgin and Christ, the parliament of devils and other religious poems (ab. 1*) | Love-Poems and humourous Ones | Le Morte Arthur | Analogues of Chaucer's Canterbury Pilgrimage | The three kings' sons | Originals and Analogues of some of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
NamensvariantenFurnival, F. J. | Furnivall, Frederick J. | Furnivall, F. J. | Furnivall, Frederick John | Furnivall, Frederick | Furnivall, Fred. James | Furnivall, Fredk. J. | Furnivall, J. | Furnival, Frederick James

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Provider Details
Homepage:Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Metadatenlizenz: CC0 1.0
Letzte Änderung:2024-02-07

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